Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Flawed 1

She is beautiful(to some) but you can tell that it is a flawed beauty.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Definition of insanity

A definition of insanity is doing things the same way and expecting different results. ie running into a wall face first at full speed and not expecting to feel pain the next time your run into it at the same velocity. Or. Repeatedly complaining about the situations you're in and expecting it to sort itself out just by the sheer power of sitting there. Or saying the same things over and over, to somebody who isn't listening.

Yeh, my definition of insanity.

Cool link: A page for the to-do list.
Cool mainly because I see myself as a voyeur and like to observe people.

Listen to: Meshell Ndegeocello - Beautiful

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Writing a blog is therapeutic and I do need therapy.

I'm not a blogger . Never was never will be.
But writing a blog is therapeutic and I do need therapy. So once in a while, I try.

The story starts with an innocent looking link to a youtube video of a long forgotten teen idol.

Listening to Kavana songs sent this huge wave of nostalgia crash down on me. Remember him? Kavana? During his time he sent millions of little girls hearts soaring with his catchy pop tunes, pretty boy looks and now, somewhat cheesy image. While all his songs struck chords, 2 songs in particular, body slammed my soul/center/sternum/part between my chests that ache averytime I'm touched or sad. "Thank you" and "Wait for the day". Thank you for reasons between me and very good ol friend of mine. And "Wait for the day" because I realised I felt the same way I did 6-7 years ago listening to that song, my first reaction to the lyrics was to tear up and I thought, I'm still the same person I was then. When I hoped I would change for the better.

I'll end this post with a totally unrelated quote (cause I'm random that way):
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Childish Adult Fascinations

Theres this strange fascination I have with pop-up books. You'd think your era of pop-ups would dissapear the moment you turned 10 or younger? but nope not me. I have to take this fascination to adult level. Much like my legos.
Of course, then again, there are people who do take these things to adult level and do they do it well. Just take a gander at these two sites & to see excellent examples. If being a kid at heart means you get to appreciate cool stuff like this, I hope I'll always stay a kid at heart.

These are so meant for display items man. I'll leave you with a link to youtube of a gorgeous Alice in Wonderland pop-up by Robert Sabuda, which I will have in my hands by the end of this month. Or soon anyway.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chinese aristrocrats in the past, prized texture above all, even taste. Which explains why there still exists such things as Birds Nest, abalone and sharks fin. These delicacies if taken without the added ingredients and condiments would taste absolutely bland and emit very slight fragrances. Of course if it's good enough for the aristrocrats, its definitely better for everyone else so the reputation of these and many chinese delicacies have lived on. The Chinese not content to just eat common food such as chicken, snake and frogs legs(which by now would be passe) have moved on to more exotic fare such as anything under the sun that moves. 5000 years of adventurous eating folks. Salute to the spirit of experimentation and very good imaginations.
I gotta write it down now, I gotta gotta gotta. If not I'll never write it down.