Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Writing a blog is therapeutic and I do need therapy.

I'm not a blogger . Never was never will be.
But writing a blog is therapeutic and I do need therapy. So once in a while, I try.

The story starts with an innocent looking link to a youtube video of a long forgotten teen idol.

Listening to Kavana songs sent this huge wave of nostalgia crash down on me. Remember him? Kavana? During his time he sent millions of little girls hearts soaring with his catchy pop tunes, pretty boy looks and now, somewhat cheesy image. While all his songs struck chords, 2 songs in particular, body slammed my soul/center/sternum/part between my chests that ache averytime I'm touched or sad. "Thank you" and "Wait for the day". Thank you for reasons between me and very good ol friend of mine. And "Wait for the day" because I realised I felt the same way I did 6-7 years ago listening to that song, my first reaction to the lyrics was to tear up and I thought, I'm still the same person I was then. When I hoped I would change for the better.

I'll end this post with a totally unrelated quote (cause I'm random that way):
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams

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